The Liberia Invitation

Jed was asked to preach for a season at a local baptist church in Fredericksburg the spring of 2022 while they were looking for a pastor. One day, a Liberian man approached him as asked him if he would be willing to come to Liberia and minister.

As I had opened the Freedom Society in town that would be adressing modern slavery, I had felt a prompting from the Lord to research the history of slavery in the town. Needless to say it is not a good history and I cam across the connection to Liberia in the process. There had been a founding chapter of the American Colonization Society in Fredericksburg which had helped to establish Liberia as a place to return freed slaves to Africa, many against their will. It was also very intertwined with Freemasonry from the USA.

So when this seemingly random invitation came, we knew it was from the Lord and that He was asking us to bring a spiritual blessing from Fredericksburg.

You can watch the video updates from our trips and both the assignment to bring 5000 Bibles.

First Trip Video Feb 2023

Second Trip Video August 2023


Reversing the Curse


UK 2022 Update 2