Foundations of USA

Released July 4th, 2022

We have felt compelled by the Lord to write this letter to share what we believe to be the heart of God and what He has been uncovering in order that we all might repent and return to the Lord, His ways, and His Kingdom authority. We believe this is crucial for us as believers in America in order to clearly discern what is of God and what is not. It is time to walk as a Kingdom family in obedience to King Jesus and in love. Like in the days of Hezekiah,

(2 Chronicles 30) we send this letter and pray as we return to Him, that He will not turn His face away, but will forgive and heal us as a people. The heart of the call to reformation is love: it is a return to the foundation that God began, and a shedding of what is not of God. This letter is a call for the Body of Christ to reform back to the foundation God has set, abandon ungodly ways, repent, and ultimately– “Come out of Babylon.” (Rev 18:4)

God often unfolds revelation over many years and in unique ways. We certainly didn’t seek out this path. But as we learned to listen to the Spirit of God, He has continued to confirm what He has shown us in many ways. We believe God uncovers things hidden in darkness in order to set us free and help us to see where we need to repent in order to walk in alignment with the truth. As we share this story, we are trying to be utterly honest to the way God has revealed it to us as well as provide the documentation to back it up. We too have had to renounce and repent every time He revealed more and have blessedly found not only more freedom, but also the path back to the heart and intention of God for this nation. It is a blessed journey but requires an open heart and humility before God.

We started this journey many years ago (2000) when Jed was counseling a student who was wearing a masonic ring. The Holy Spirit had highlighted it to him and the student said he had been given it by his father. Jed did not even know it was a freemason emblem, but weeks later, we were in a used christian bookstore while out of town, and Jed saw a book with the same symbol on it that was on the ring. We didn’t know anything about freemasonry, but the book was written by a man who had renounced it and was writing to uncover its demonic foundation. We began to understand that its rituals are steeped in pagan and occult worship that has its original roots in Egypt, Babylon, and many esoteric “mystery religions” (i.e. gnosticism). The same enemy who has worked against God and His people throughout all the centuries to confuse people from many cultures and lead them into false worship, is still at work today. 

Many years later the Lord sovereignly moved us to England (2008) and placed us in Barnstaple, the town where both of our families had immigrated to the USA from. While living there, we learned some things about the history of freemasonry in the UK. The Holy Spirit took us on several prayer journeys to Scotland, London, and in Barnstaple uncovering the demonic roots of freemasonry and how the enemy has used it to establish strongholds in government and in the lives of many individuals. One small example we uncovered was related to the Boy Scouts. We had considered putting our son in Boy Scouts in England, but when we got their booklet the freemason symbol was on the back.  After researching, we realized that it had been developed by freemasons to begin grooming young men into “the craft”. Jed had attended one of Gavin’s meetings when he was a cub scout in the USA, and I remember him coming home and saying he sensed red flags in his spirit because they took strange oaths as part of the meeting.

Not only did the Lord show us the masonic roots in the UK, but He also began to show us that He did not see American history the way we had been taught it. As we discovered our family roots, and studied the period of the Revolutionary War, we realized that it was not “Americans” versus “British”, but in actuality a civil war with family turning against one another, it was brother against brother. We were grieved to realize how we have celebrated an independence that came at the cost of shedding the blood of brothers. When we came back to the USA, we couldn’t celebrate independence like we had because we had tasted the grief in the heart of our Father over this bloodshed. When we learned more of our British history, there were many things that grieved the Father…so much bloodshed, rape, pillaging of people, slavery, but the worst was the mixture of these evil things with the Gospel.

When I first went to India (2011), the Lord began to unfold how the British established brothels to service their troops which have now become some of the largest red light areas in the world. He made it clear that we needed to repent before Him for this and that this was part of the redemptive purpose of establishing a business in England to employ survivors of human trafficking in India. Our first event at the Royal Courts of Justice in London was all about this purpose of repentance and redemption.

Honestly, before our season in England we really didn't appreciate the importance of family bloodlines. Jed’s parents had done a lot of family research and we had dismissed it. But when the Lord had us start a house of prayer in the town where our families were from, He began to teach us how He is the God of generations. He has written a very intentional story with each of our lives connected to His big story, it is like a faith relay race. So Jed’s family bloodline is primarily British and French Huguenot and mine is mostly British and Scottish. 

We came back to the USA, and a few years later were invited to participate in a tour declaring the message of Ezekiel 36-37. The Lord made it clear we were to begin in the Jacksonville FL area and it was there we began to uncover a history with the French Huguenots we did not know. They came to that area many years before the British and brought the Gospel to the native tribe of the area. They were together with the natives martyred for their faith by the Spanish Catholics in the 1560’s. While we were there, we had a special time of prayer and blessing over the land as Jed, a French Huguenot descendant, stood with Chief Anne Richardson, a believing native chief who’s tribe received the Gospel from French Huguenots. We felt that the Lord was highlighting that this was His desire in sending Europeans to this land: to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to the indigenous peoples living here and to live together in a loving Kingdom community with native tribes stepping into their God-given authority in the land .

On Shavuot/Pentecost 2016 we were scheduled to be in Florida for an event, but it was canceled last minute and the Lord redirected us to Philadelphia. There was a group of believers who had set up a tent with 24/7 worship and prayer in front of Independence Hall for the week.

We were staying at a mission base just outside the city, which also turned out to be the site of a revolutionary battle. I was awakened in the middle of the night to the sounds of screams. As I asked the Lord what was happening, I felt Him say this is the blood He hears crying out from the ground. I had never had an experience like this, but I was familiar with the passages in the Bible that talk about God hearing the voice of bloodshed. 

As I sought Him about why He was allowing me to hear it, I felt led to get up and grab a pen and paper. He told me to write a very simple document…The Declaration of Interdependence. He instructed me to invite those who felt led to sign the document, repent for ungodly independence/rebellion, and then to present it to Him at Shavuot at Independence Hall. We did as He instructed and it was a powerful time of prayer and repentance before Him.

When the tour finished, God clearly opened the door to a season in Fredericksburg. The end of 2019, He further opened the door to open a shop in downtown Fredericksburg in a historic building built in 1810. I felt the Lord say He wanted a place dedicated to Him in downtown, which seemed strange considering all the churches downtown. Because the shop was focused on modern abolition, I was prompted to start to look into the history of slavery in the city. I reached out to historians and local city leaders. I had discovered our shop was connected to a tunnel network in the past but found no history of abolition, only that of complicity with slavery. 

Then came 2020 with first Covid and then the racial unrest off of the back of the George Floyd murder. We felt led to start to gather to pray downtown at the slave auction block. There had been much previous debate in the city about what to do with it and it became the centerpiece of the protests in town. Though we could see the enemy was trying to stir up hatred, even experiencing satanists coming out in the open, we believed the Lord was saying it was an opportunity to heal root issues and pain in our city and nation. As historic statues representing that past pain were being torn down, the Lord began to shed deeper light on the roots of our past.

We were praying in a downtown park one day before a march was about to happen and I felt the Lord say there were masonic roots that had not been dealt with. It was dismissed by those I was praying with and so I left it with the Lord. Though I knew there was some masonic history in Fredericksburg, I had no idea what He was going to begin to uncover. I felt led months later to do more research and saw a note on the city history on their website about an early draft of the declaration of independence being written in the Rising Sun Tavern in town. In fact, it was just a block from our shop. I also felt led to get the historic documentation of the building our shop is in from the historic society. I read through it, but didn’t see anything obvious.

British friends from Barnstaple were in town months later and we were sharing some of the history and reflecting on some of these above stories. They commented that the US was the only country in the British empire where a civil war was fought for independence. In fact, most other commonwealth nations received their independence without bloodshed, but in countries where there was fighting it was with indigious peoples, not British citizens. We decided to go to the tavern museum together and see what the Lord would uncover. What we found was profound. 

The building was owned by the brother of George Washington and it was there where they conceived of the Leedstown Resolve, the first document of protest sent to England opposing the Stamp Act by promise of their lives/blood and all they owned. This document became the basis for the Declaration of Independence. It later became one of many taverns where the freemasons met in Fredericksburg. George Washington was a master mason and a member of the local lodge until the day he died. Fredericksburg is the location of the earliest recorded independent masonic meetings recorded in America. The Revolutionary War was not only conceived and executed amongst masons here in Fredericksburg (Washington, Monroe) but also Pennsylvania (Benjamin Franklin (who wrote the masonic practice book for the USA), Boston (Paul Revere, Joseph Warren, Samuel Adams and John Hancock)

This led me on a path of discovering the history of freemasonry in the USA and its relationship to the establishment of our county, founding documents, and wars. Our significant founding fathers were freemasons, including almost all of our early presidents. And they were the leaders of the Revolution. Our founding documents were inspired not by the Bible, but leaders in the Enlightenment, many who were themselves masons.  I discovered the reason I needed to get our building history was that it was built and owned by masons as was everything on our block. What was amazing was that we had this history because our shop was literally the only original remaining building on our block.

In the midst of the tearing down of statues, a discovery was made in the base of the Robert E Lee statue in Richmond that uncovered the leadership of the Confederacy were also freemasons. While many were having arguments about whether or not to leave statues up for historic purposes, the Lord was uncovering a demonic stronghold in our nation that has not been fully exposed and dealt with. God is not interested in conspiracy theories, but He does uncover and shine light on the work of the enemy so that we can see it for what it is and repent of it. I was prompted to continue to look into freemasonry believing if indeed this was a stronghold, then surely the Lord had shown it to other believers. Not only did I find churches  who spoke out against the demonic influence of freemasonry, but in 1826 the Anti-Masonic Party was founded to try to uproot freemasonry from the US government. It was led by many godly men like Charles Finney (who himself was delivered from freemasonry).

So why does any of this matter? Why is the Lord uncovering it for those who have eyes to see?

When the Lord brought Europeans to this land it was with a heart that the native tribes would hear the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom, be saved, and live together in a godly community in submission to Him. The foundation that was laid down in bloodshed: brother against brother, killing of native tribes, and slavery was not of God, and was born out of a demonic influence at the very root of the US through freemason practice. The truly heartbreaking reality is that the enemy posed as an angel of light and put a christian venere on something truly demonic. Freemasons use their bible in their rituals which can be traced back to Babylonian worship practice. The founding fathers mixed freemasonry with the church as evidenced by the masonic cornerstones on all of the downtown Fredericksburg churches and their church and masonic temple memberships/leadership.

Because of that intentional mixture we have confused evil for God and many believe that our nation had a christian founding. The evidence for the influence of freemasonry at our founding is still evident in the founding documents, the membership of founding fathers/presidents, the symbols on our currency, and even the buildings and layout of Washington DC. If we mistake this for representing God, as Christians we inadvertently condone the bloodshed and oppression in our founding, as well as the demonic worship, symbols, and documents that are not based on the Bible. Jesus himself is not mentioned in any of the architecture, documents, statues etc… but we have assumed that they meant to invoke the God of Israel. This belief to this day has been a stumbling block to the Gospel among the very people that God desired to know Him, the native tribes. Instead of a loving community, we had a nation born of bloodshed, rebellion, broken covenants, and oppression. 

Thankfully, we serve a God who is so much greater than the enemy and is more than able to establish His purpose regardless of the sins of man. But just as He uncovered the evil that had been done in hidden places to His prophets in the Bible, and then called them to tell the people to repent, once again He is uncovering ungodly roots and practice that we might come out from it, repent, and be those who are ambassadors of His Kingdom wherever He has placed us. We cannot represent His Kingdom rightly when we are confusing His Kingdom with the kingdom of darkness and are operating in mixed loyalties to 2 Kingdoms. We cannot serve 2 masters. 

He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? Matthew 15:3

There is a personal call as believers to repent and renounce any connection or open doors that have come through participation either personally or generationally with freemasonry. But there is also a national call to come out from any agreement with this pagan root in our nation. By no means is this letter an exhaustive overview of America’s founding– but the information and data is available and easy to find if you want to explore the philosophical and ideological roots of the nation. If you still believe that we have a christian governmental foundation as a nation, ask yourself why our national symbols, currency, buildings and documents use pagan and not christian symbols? Why is the name of Jesus not mentioned in any of our founding documents? 

God indeed has plans and purposes for our nation, but it was to bring the true Gospel to the native tribes, not to lay a foundation mixed with pagan worship/rituals that birthed oppression and bloodshed.

God is clear in His Word that:

  1. We are not to mix pagan worship practice with Him Deut 12:29-32, Jer 10:1-5

  2. He hates oppression and injustice Isa 1:15-17, Jer 7:1-5, Isa 58

  3. bloodshed defiles the land Gen 4:10, Numbers 35

He did lay His foundation of the Gospel in this land and the blood of the martyrs continues to cry out from the ground and before the throne for His purpose that the Gospel of the Kingdom would set many free and transform lives. There was at the beginning and continues to be a remnant of believers who have stood against the kingdom of darkness and laborded and prayed for His purpose here. God is moving all over the earth to bring the Gospel to every tribe and tongue to bring about the return of His Son and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth. As we get closer to the return of Jesus, He warned us we would need to come out of Babylon. Revelation 18:4 says that every nation on the earth has drunk from her cup and that as believers we must come out from agreement with it or we too would share in her sins and receive her plagues. 

This is the invitation from the Lord: come out from agreement with the kingdom of darkness and come into agreement with God’s plan and purpose. Operate as Kingdom people who have allegiance to the King of Kings, operate as sojourners and ambassadors of that Kingdom, being in the world but not of it. It is time to humble ourselves and return to Him with all our hearts. It is time to love one another and for the demonstration of love in His Body to be what we are known for. He is faithful to forgive us, heal us, and use us to bring His Kingdom to this land. 

If you have participated in freemasonry/shriners/scouting or have had family who have here is a great resource for praying for personal and generational freedom from freemasonry.

National Prayer of Repentance and Declaration of Allegiance to Jesus

Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves and repent before you for any agreement we have made whether knowingly or unknowingly with the operation and deeds kingdom of darkness and freemasonry in our nation. Forgive us for any mixture of our faith in Jesus the Messiah and pagan practice and belief. Forgive us for calling evil good, and attributing the works of Satan to You. We agree with Your Word that injustice, oppression, and bloodshed are not of Your Kingdom. We love your heart to bring Your Gospel to every tribe and tongue and bless Your plans and purposes in this land. 

We, the Beloved of the Lord Jesus Christ, do commit to live in this land as ones representing the Kingdom of God. (Philipians 3:20, 2 Corinthians 5:18)

We, being under God’s authority and rule, commit to honor the authority of the rulers He has placed us under. (Romans 13:1)

We also commit to pray for those authorities; that they would submit to Jesus and walk in the fear of the Lord. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

We commit to love one another as we have been commanded and empowered by Him. (John 13: 34-35)

Our lives and all that we have belong to Him, for His glory and service. (Romans 14:8)


UK 2022 Update 1


The Summer of 2022